DOCUMENTA KASSEL 16/06-23/09 2007

How to Survive the Paper Industry

documenta 12 magazines, 17 July, 1 pm, documenta 12 Halle

Ever since ink turned into toner and pixel, printed paper has been struggling to survive as a medium. Yet, stubborn independent editors are still producing the most endangered species of paper products: the independent magazine. By endlessly reinventing content, technical and economical strategies these magazines bear testimony to the distinct qualities of printed publications, such as periodicity, touch of paper and the smell of the copy. Yet, it is precisely the love for the speed of electrons, and an understanding of the potentials of networked media, that have inspired the cultural tactics of these magazines; from print-on-demand, collaborative editing, sharing content and knowledge, to surfing and playing up to new economic demands.

With Simon Worthington (Mute, London), Alessandro Ludovico (Neural, Bari), Moderator: Nat Muller (Rotterdam)
In cooperation with

Location: documenta 12 Halle

Language: English

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