DOCUMENTA KASSEL 16/06-23/09 2007

Route One/USA

2 August, 8:30 pm, Gloria Kino

© FdK Berlin
“In the brooding, irresistible epic Route One/USA, Kramer and fellow expatriate Doc (Paul McIsaac) join in a trek from the beginning of Route 1 in Maine to its end in Florida. Doc enters, fleetingly, a succession of private worlds, each of which reveals itself to the camera, sometimes in a canned, practised way suggesting that cameras have been here before (a self-aggrandising community leader in Bridgeport, Connecticut; a barker in front of the Tragedy in U.S. History Museum in St. Augustine, Florida), sometimes in a capsule of time that is hard, unfamiliar and complete (an aged Indian woman in Maine going back over her life). Running throughout is the idea of rebellion: rebellion of the colonists against Britain, of the South against the North, of child against parent. Constantly, the themes of parents and children, of history, legacies, memory, are linked to the cinema and to photography. … Kramer washes us in things, conversations, information, [but his] gliding images make explicit the longing for distance, for transcendence.” (Chris Fujiwara)

Route One/USA
Robert Kramer, 1989, 35 mm, colour, German subtitles

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