DOCUMENTA KASSEL 16/06-23/09 2007

S-Guide - Download your Audio-Guide

Photo: Frank Schinski
For the first time in documenta history, the artistic direction
has decided to establish audio-tours and has conceived four
different guided tours:

Besides an extensive tour by Roger M. Buergel which is available in six languages , there were features regarding the three leitmotifs of documenta 12 in German and English language.
During the exhibition there was the possibility to borrow audio-
guides with the guided tours in the exhibition area. The MP3-files, which were also available as  a download, are now at your disposal in the documenta-archive.

Thematic tours

Is modernity our antiquity?
Where do we stand nowadays with regard to modernity and modernism? This question is explored by the tour using selected works, most of which are on display in the Aue Pavilion. The local views of the artists taking part and the way in which they tackle various modernist currents are interrelated in such a way that new views and ideas are revealed.

What is bare life?
Following an introduction into the history of the term ‘bare life’ and the variety of meanings it harbours, the tour focuses on the history of Kassel, much of which was destroyed during World War II. The works described are deliberately chosen to contain references to the visitor's own life.


The ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi


What is to be done?

The final leitmotif at documenta 12 is devoted to education, and is also the most open of the three, for it concerns what happened in the past, where we currently are, and what ought to happen in the future. The works dealt with on this tour seek to find answers to these questions in diverse ways. Together with the visitor’s ideas and perceptions, what emerges is indeed a view of what (aesthetic) education could possibly consist of.

Tour by Roger M. Buergel

Roger M. Buergel, the artistic director, provides insights into his documenta in the inspirational yet reflective manner so characteristic of him. However, just as the three leitmotifs at documenta should only be regarded as one possible way to address the complex interlinked structure, this tour does not lay down a definitive interpretation of the exhibition.

Photo: Frank Schinski


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